- Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland
- Advice line – our trained nurses can help with any questions you have confidentially. Freephone: 0808 801 0899, Email:,Text: NURSE to 66777 (standard rates apply). Opening Hours: Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm.
- Social media posts on:
Assessment and common lung diseases
- CHSS: Living with COPD [.pdf]
- CHSS: COPD Traffic lights [.pdf]
- CHSS: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- My Lungs My Life
- NHS National Services Scotland: Information Services Division: Quality & Outcomes Framework (QOF)
- National Records of Scotland
- ScotPRO: Asthma
Interstitial lung disease
Dysfunctional breathing
- Medicines Complete: BNF Online
- electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC)
- My Lungs My Life: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Medications
- NHS inform: Quit your way Scotland
- CHSS: Oxygen Therapy
- British Thoracic Society: Guideline for Oxygen Use in Adults in Healthcare and Emergency Settings [.pdf]
- My Lungs My Life: Oxygen therapy: Holiday and travel
- Scottish Fire and Rescue: Home Fire Safety Visit
Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR)
- CHSS: Pulmonary Rehab [.pdf]
- BTS guideline on Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Adults
- BTS Quality Standards for Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Adults
- Physical activity guidelines for adults (19–64 years)
- Physical activity guidelines for older adults (65+ years)
- Sample patient information booklet - Respiratory Futures: Patient information booklet: Your pulmonary rehabilitation programme [.pdf]
- Example referral form - Respiratory Futures: Referral form (download)
- CAT (COPD Assessment Test)
- St Georges Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ)
- King's Brief Interstitial Lung Disease Questionnaire (KBILD)
- Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) Screeners
Breathing techniques
- Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care (leaflet GL-01 and GL-02)
Cough control
Psychology of breathing
- Moodjuice
- Living Life to the Full
- NHS: Moodzone: Mindfulness
- Be Mindful
- Breathing Space
- Headspace: Meditation made simple
- NHS inform - Mental Health and Wellbeing
- NHS choices: Five steps to mental wellbeing
- NHS Fife: Moodcafe
- NHS Northumberland, Tyne and Wear: Mental Health Services
- South Glasgow Wellbeing Services
- Scottish Association for Mental Health
- Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) Screeners
- CHSS: Mental Wellbeing
- Samaritans
- Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) Screeners
- Vancouver Coastal Health: ReAct: Geriatric Depression Scale [.pdf]
- NICE: Depression in Adults with Chronic Physical Health Problems: Treatment and Management. National Clinical Practice Guideline 91
- Knoweldge Network: Emotion Matters
- The SWIFT Check Up [.pdf]
- SWIFT template [.pdf]
- What matters to you?
- NHS Health Scotland: Choose Life: The art of conversation [.pdf]
- NES Stepped Care for Psychological Therapies
- NICE: Clinical guideline [CG123]: Common mental health problems: identification and pathways to care: Stepped care
- NHS: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Accessing support in your community
- Generated Health
- Walking Football Scotland
- Scottish Men’s Shed Association
- Volunteer Scotland
- NHS Inform: Keeping Active
- Asthma + Lung UK
- Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Clydeside Action on Asbestos
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation
- Braveheart - For healthy lives
- Paths for all
- Citizens Advice Scotland
Lifestyle advice - living well with a long-term respiratory condition
Activities of daily living
- NHS Inform: Healthy living: Food and Nutrition: Eating well: Eatwell Guide
- HEART UK: Mediterranean Diet
- CHSS: Healthy Eating
Supported self-management and personal outcomes
- The National Archives: Department of Health: Long term conditions
- Helping People to Help Themselves (Health Foundation) (2011) [.pdf]
- Co-creating health- Evaluation of first phase (Health Foundation) (2012) [.pdf]
- Supporting Self-Management (National Voices) (2014) [.pdf]
- A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland (February 2016) [.pdf]
- A Route Map to the 2020 Vision for Health and Social Care [.pdf]
- Realising Realistic Medicine: Chief Medical Officer for Scotland annual report 2015-2016
- Project SMART: A Brief History of SMART Goals
- BMJ: Shared decision making: really putting patients at the centre of healthcare [.pdf]
- NHS Inform: Stopping smoking
- NHS inform: Quit your way Scotland
What matters to me?
Information for carers
- Mind for better mental health: How to cope as a carer
- Carers Org: Mental health conditions
- Carers Scotland Act
- Mind: How to cope when supporting someone else
- Care Information Scotland
- Care Information Scotland: Carers' centres
- Crossroads
- Carers Trust
- Carers UK: Scotland
- MyGov.Scot
- Office of the Public Guardian (Scotland)
- Age Scotland
- Law Society of Scotland
Assessing care needs
- Scottish Government: Self-directed Support in Scotland
- Care information Scotland
- Carers Trust Scotland
- NHS 24
- Scottish Government: Social Care
End of life and advanced care plans
- National Council for Palliative Care
- Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care
- Resuscitation Council UK
- Scottish Government: Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR)
- Scottish government: Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000
- My Power of Attorney, Scotland
- Compassion in Dying: Advance Directives (Living Wills) – Scotland
- Register a death in Scotland
- National Records of Scotland: Registering a death
- Scottish Government - Caring for people in the last days and hours of life
- NHS Education for Scotland (NES):
- Support Around Death
- NHS Inform: Care, support and rights
- Carers Trust
- Citizens Advice Scotland
- Citizens Advice: What to do after a death
- Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief
- Human Tissue Authority: Donating your body
- Organ Donation Scotland
- National Association of Funeral Directors: Pre-arrange a funeral
- The Natural Death Centre: Independent Funeral Advice