Anatomy and physiology of the lungs

The respiratory system
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Introduction to the Respiratory Tract

The lungs sit in the thorax separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm.

The respiratory system has three parts

1. The upper airway (mouth, nose, larynx and pharynx).

2. The lower airways (bronchus and bronchi).

3. The small bronchioles and the alveoli.

The muscles of respiration (diaphragm and intercostal muscles) work to drive air, which contains a mixture of gases including oxygen, into the lungs (inspiration). Gas exchange takes place at the alveoli, where oxygen moves into the body's bloodstream to supply the cells and carbon dioxide is returned to the lungs from the cells and is released out as the muscles relax (expiration). The cycle then begins again.

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Introduction to the Respiratory Tract
Nose & Nasopharynx
Mouth & Oropharynx
Bronchi & Bronchioles
Lungs & Pleura
Muscles of Respiration