Facts and Figures in Scotland

COPD is the 2nd most common cause of emergency admission to hospital1.

People living with a long-term lung condition are amongst the biggest users of health services in Scotland.

In Scotland there are over 129,000 people diagnosed with COPD annually2.

It is estimated that it was the 4th most common cause of life lost in Scotland in 2015, ranked after ischaemic heart disease, lung cancer and cerebrovascular disease. (Global Burden of Disease 2015).

In Scotland there are over 19,000 hospital admissions each year due to COPD, and 129,300 beds days accountable to the disease3.


  1. Right care. Public Health England: NHS Atlas of variation in healthcare for people with respiratory disease. September 2012
  2. Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland and SPRAG: 2017 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Survey
  3. Information Services Division: Diagnoses: Hospital Care: Long Term Conditions.