Keeping well

Patients/clients can contribute considerably to keeping well and trying to prevent relapses or worsening of their symptoms. 

The aim is to avoid exacerbations and slow or prevent any deterioration in their symptoms. Patients/clients will find that monitoring their progress is difficult as changes happen over months or even a year.

The following tips may help:
Bathroom scales Diet is important: patients/clients may need advice to reduce weight or if undernourished help to eat well and to have a good varied eating habit. Keep hydrated, at least six glasses of water or equivalent per day, more in hot weather.
Avoiding infection is important: this will mean stopping visits from friends and family who may have a cough, cold or flu like symptoms. Thorough and regular hand washing should be a priority for everyone to help stop spread of germs.
Syringe Vaccinations: it is important for everyone with a respiratory condition to have a pneumococcal vaccination and an annual flu vaccination.
Medication bottle Medication: should be explained carefully so that people know why they are taking their inhalers or pills. Taking medication regularly is one of the top three positive actions in keeping well.
No smoking Stopping smoking: will make a huge difference.