Support from professionals

Some people living with long-term respiratory conditions will need on-going support in their community. Here are some of the ways this help can be accessed.

Community Respiratory Hubs

Some areas of Scotland have Community Respiratory Hubs or teams which allow the person to stay well and out of hospital even when they experience an exacerbation of the illness. Teams focus on prevention or early intervention, early supported discharge and supported self-management. Community teams have been set up in Lothian and Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

In areas without a specialist respiratory hub, general community rehabilitation teams offer a similar but less specialist service. They can refer to or liaise with other professionals with respiratory expertise when required.

Community Pharmacies

Can be a great source of help and information for questions about medication, inhaler technique, smoking cessation products and medication reviews. Many pharmacies offer a collect and deliver service for housebound patients/clients.

Community alarms and Telecare devices

Most local councils in Scotland have personal care alarms which are often linked with telecare devices such as falls monitors, fire and smoke detectors, flood monitors or carbon monoxide detectors. These are useful for people who are housebound or those who live with a dependent person. The patient/client's next of kin, family key holder or neighbour can be alerted for a quick response. If the person has no designated key holder, the service will send a member of staff to the person's home. Staff are trained in basic first aid and can contact additional help if needed. There is usually a charge for the service but installation of the equipment is usually free.

Equipment service for disability aids

Available via local councils. A community nurse or occupational therapist can assess for the type of equipment needed in the kitchen, bathroom, living room or bedroom. Home adaptations may be possible but a referral must be made to the council occupational therapists for an assessment.


Some health boards are piloting or using telehealth devices which patients use at home to measure health data such as peak flow, blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar levels and so on. The information is recorded, usually on a smart phone or other device and sent remotely to a GP, doctoror practice nurse to monitor the person’s condition. One example is the Florence System which is currently used in NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Highland, NHS Western Isles, NHS Ayrshire & Arran: