Carer organisations – what they can offer

Carer organisations can offer a variety of support including training in practical skills such as moving and handling, help when applying for benefits, what to do in an emergency situation or buddy schemes.

If the patient/client is highly dependent, be aware of any respite care which may be available in your area: 

Third sector charities often have grants for one off equipment or short breaks, befriending schemes to give carers a break to do simple tasks for themselves or to meet friends.

Carers may need information about power of attorney. Power of Attorney is a legal document which any person, who has capacity to make their own decisions, can apply for. This allows the named person to act on their behalf if at some point in the future they are unable to make decisions for themselves about finances, welfare or consent. The named power of attorney is usually a family member or other carer but can also be a legal representative. Power of attorney must be applied for in advance while the person still has capacity to make their own decisions but their wishes would be represented if they were to deteriorate in future.