Facts about carers

In 2017 The Carers UK report ‘State of Caring’ findings showed that carers (shown in %):


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  • 69% of carers had difficulty getting a good nights sleep because of their care role
  • 54% have reduced the amount of exercise they do because of their care role
  • 45% said they find it difficult to maintain a balanced diet because of their care role
  • 68% said that their own GP knows they are a carer but do not do anything different as a result
  • 25% said they hadn’t had a day off in the last 5 years
  • 40% said they hadn’t had a day off in the past year


From April 2018 carers in Scotland will be able to request and receive an Adult Carer Support Plan to assist them in their care role and help them get the support they need. This Carers Scotland Act is legislation passed by the Scottish Government.