Malcolm's oxygen assessment
Malcolm’s oxygen saturations (Sp02) are measured by pulse oximeter at every visit and he’s known since diagnosis that at some point, he might feel the benefit of using supplementary oxygen. At a clinic visit his Sp02 is found to be 87% and falls to 76% after walking along the corridor.
His arterial blood gases are measured and he’s found to be hypoxic. After discussion with him, Malcolm decides he will try using oxygen at home. A prescription is completed for an oxygen concentrator. The Anna advises him he’ll get the best from it if he uses it for 15 hours or more in a day.
At first Malcolm thinks he’ll struggle to use oxygen for so many hours, but he finds if he uses it overnight and then for spells throughout the day, he manages it well. He is pleased that it helps him to recover quicker after doing tasks like showering or getting dressed.
Malcolm calls Anna a month after starting oxygen and tells her his nose has become dry and sore. She advises him to use a small drop of water based lubricant often, as this will help keep his nose moist.