Low mood and depression

Fluctuations in mood are natural and to be expected. However we know that people who have a respiratory condition can have an increased risk of developing depression and that depression can have a negative impact on their respiratory health.

Appropriate screening and assessment is important as depression is a treatable condition and receiving the right support and treatment can improve the persons quality of life and health outcome.

We know that many life events can have a negative impact on mood:

  • Recent Bereavement.
  • Living alone / poor social support.
  • Misuse of Alcohol & drugs.
  • Previous history of depression/suicidal behaviour.
  • Loss of employment or status.
  • Deterioration in health condition.
  • Loss of previous abilities.

Depression affects and is affected by our environment as well as our physical health, emotions, behaviour and thoughts. It is important to consider both health related and non health related worries which may be affecting the persons emotional wellbeing. These worries can lead to many emotions for people including shame, guilt, remorse, sadness, anger and embarrassment.

What is Depression?

What is depression?: Thoughts, Mood, Behaviour, Physical and Environment

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Thoughts: Negative thinking about the future, ourself & the world, suicidal Ideation, impaired concentration, indecision.

Mood: Flat affect, loss of interest or motivation, feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, guilt.

Behaviour: Social withdrawal, lack of activity, tearful, increased alcohol.

Physical: Disturbed sleep/appetite, lethargy, hypersensitive to bodily sensations.
