Mental health self-help

Websites where you can access free self-help information

There are also a number of useful websites for carers

Useful Books

'Overcoming' Series (Robinson Press, London).

  • Overcoming Depression. Paul Gilbert.
  • Overcoming Social Anxiety. Gillian Butler.
  • Overcoming Traumatic Stress: Claudia Herbert and Ann Wetmore.
  • Overcoming Grief: Sue Morris.
  • Overcoming Low Self-Esteem: Melanie Fennel.
  • Overcoming Insomnia and Sleep Problems.

Other books to help with low mood

  • The Mindful Way through depression. Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Jon Kabat-Zinn (2007, The Guildford Press).
  • The Reality Slap – How to find fulfilment when life hurts. Russ Harris (2011, Robinson).
  • The Happiness Trap Pocketbook – an illustrated guide on how to stop struggling and start living. Russ Harris and Bev Aisbett (2013, Robinson).

For emotional support