What tasks could be included in a care and support plan?

Personal care:

  • Food and hydration (this may be delivery of meals or a monthly frozen food delivery)
  • Activities of daily living such as washing, dressing and getting to the toilet
  • Mobility around the home
  • Counselling, behaviour management, psychological support
  • Simple medication procedures such as using eye drops, applying creams and lotions, changing dressings, managing oxygen therapy
  • Aids and adaptations for personal care
  • Nursing care tasks, injections, wound care managing pressure sores

For the home:

  • Aids and adaptations
  • Equipment such as telehealth care, personal alarms, flood and fire alarms, movement monitors

For the person and their carer:

  • Respite care
  • Short breaks

Any service or equipment supplied by the NHS is free of charge. Other services may be subject to a charge and a financial assessment is done to determine how much each individual has to pay.