James' outcome six months later
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Scene 1
James has managed to stop smoking for good. The hardest part was the first week but after that it did get easier and he used support from the ‘quit your way’ services and his local pharmacy. His breathing is better and he is using the extra money he was spending on cigarettes to buy new lightweight walking shoes and a football shirt for Jack.
Scene 2
Going to the pulmonary rehab classes really helped, not only his goal to get fitter, but he also has support from some of the other class members who were quitting smoking at the same time. They meet up once a week at the gym and have a coffee even though the classes are now finished. One of the group is has just started going to the over 60’s “Walking Football” and invites James along for the exercise and the social chat afterwards.
Scene 3
Despite having a set back of a chest infection a few months ago, James got back on track with his exercise and goals when he recovered.
James walks every day and has been going to the walking football group once a week for the past four months. He has lost a few pounds in weight by increasing his exercise.
Scene 4
Jack is still keeping grandad busy in the park, especially now they can stay longer.
James is now thinking about his next SMART goals when Jack goes to school in a few months time. He has seen a poster in the doctors surgery about a local COPD choir called “Sing it Loud”. ‘That could be good for the winter to keep the breathing exercises on track’.